A 45 years old female patient came to the casualty with chief complaints of Cough Breathlessness,Fever

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box.

A  45 years old female patient resident of narayanpur cook  by occupation came to the casualty with chief complaints of:
Cough since 15 days
Breathlessness since 7days
Fever since 5 days

HOPI(History of present illness)

 patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days back then she developed cough(dry) insidious in onset,
no seasonal,diurnal,and postural variation,no aggrevating and relieving factors.
 C/o breathlessness since 7 days ,grade II ,not associated with wheeze ,no seasonal diurnal variation ,no orthopnea ,no Paroxysomal Nocturnal Dyspnea
C/o fever since 5days low grade fever ,not associated with chills and regors , relieved with medication
 No h/o chest pain,chest tightness,hemoptysis, palpation


No similar complaints in past
No h/o loss of wt and loss of appetite
No h/o TB,DM,HTN, bronchial asthma, epilepsy
No h/o inhaler usage in past
No allergic history

Occupation -cook
Diet - mixed
Appetite - normal
Sleep - adequate
Bowel and bladder movements - regular
No addictions 
No habit of betel nut, betel leaf , alcohol

No similar history in the family

Menstrual history 16 yrs regular 3-5 days every 28 days

-Patient is conscious,coherent and cooperative at the time of joining 

-No pallor 

- No icterus

-No lymphadenopathy 

-No cyanosis 

-No clubbing of fingers

-No edema of feet

-No malnutrition

-No dehydration 

Temperature - 99F
Pulse rate -  106 bpm
Respiration rate - 20cpm
BP - 120/90 mmhg
SpO2 - 96% @ RA at 95% 6lit of O2



-no thrills 
no cardiac murmurs

S1&S2 sounds are heard


Respiratory examination:

UPRI- upper respiratory tract
Nose - no Deviated Nasal septum  ,no hypertrophy, no nasal polyps
Oral cavity - no caries 
 No halitosis
Normal oral hygiene

Size and shape: chest is bilaterally symmetrical and elliptical 
Trail sign absent  

 No supraclavicular, infra clavicular hollowing

No usage of accesory muscles of respiration

Apical impulse is not seen

No crowding of ribs , dropping of shoulder,no wasting of muscles

Chest expansion appears to be decreased on left side 
No kyphosis/scoliosis
No engorged veins , sinuses , scars , visible pulsations

No local rise in temperature no tenderness
All inspectory findings are confirmed

Trachea: deviated to right side

Chest movement: reduced on left side 

Measurement of chest expansion:
Anterior posterior diameter -24 cms
Transverse -21 cms
Right hemithorax-42cms
Left hemi thorax-44cms

Apex beat couldn't be palpated 

Tactile vocal fermitus decreased in left side lung


Direct- resonent-clavicle
Indirect-impaired dull note in left ISA IAA infraSA
                                          Right         left           

      Supraclavicular         R            R             .           Infraclavicular.        R.           R
          Mammary.             R.           R
            Axillary.                R.           R
       Infra axillary.            R.            Dull
      Suprascapular.          R.           R
       Interscapula             R.            R  
       Infrascapular.           R.           Dull


 Breath Sounds  DECREASED IN left lung       ISA, IAA ,infra SA ,ICA, MA
 Vocal Resonance REDUCED IN left ISA IAA infraSA
                                 Right.              Left
 Supraclavicular.   N.                    N
Infraclavicular.        N.                     N
Mammary.             N.                       N
Axillary.                   N.                      N
Infra axillary.          N                       Reduced
Suprascapular.      N.                          N
Interscapular.          N                  Reduced
Infrascapular          N                      N     reduced

 No nerological defect

Provisional diagnosis

Massive pleural effusion  and viral pneumonia
Needle thoracocenthesis
Inj Cephtriaxone 1 mg IVbd 

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