65 year old man with slurring of speech Deviation of mouth And inability to move left upper limb

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box.

Chief complaint:
A 65 year old man came to OPD with the chief complaint of 
         slurring of speech 
         Deviation of mouth
       And inability to move left arm( upper limb)
 since 1 day
 Motions since 7  months

History of present illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 day back,then he developed 
          slurring of speech 
         Deviation of mouth
       And weakness & inability to move left arm/ upper limb

pt was apparently asymptomatic 6 months back. Then he had 6/0 Loose stools 6-7 Episodes daily.
yellow colour

No pain Abdomen, No mucus and blood  in stool
, H/o  Fever 2 Episodes in the past 6 months not relieved by taking medication

 No h/0 Nausea, vomitings. 
H/o decreased appelite ":"6 months

Patient bought to the OPD with c/o slurring of speech, deviation of mouth to Right side. weakness of
left upper limb since yesterday morning. 
pt was normal when he woke up and he suddenly developed weakness of left UL and, slurring of Speech & deviation of mouth to right side.

No h/0 cold, cough, Seizure, Headache) Blurring of Vision, Diplopia:

Clo/Pedal edema Sina 1 day Pitting type Upto ankle,
 decreased urine output since 3 days.
 No Burning micturition. NO SOB.

History of past illness:
No similar history
Known case of hypertension since 7yrs
Past history of hernia( hernioplasty) 18 years ago
History of falling on bathroom room  leading to  trauma on head
Not a known case of diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, tb 

Personal history:
Daily routine:   Pt wakes up at 7-8 am the rest up and eat at 11am-12pm and again rest or sits and have dinner and again rest
Diet: mixed 
Bowel movements: abnormal since 7 months
Bladder movement micturition decreased since 3 days
Addictions: beedi 
                    Stopped 1 month ago

 Family history:
No similar or relevant past family history 


Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative, well oriented to time, place and person at the time of joining 

-No pallor 

-No icterus

-No lymphadenopathy 

-No cyanosis 

-No clubbing of fingers

- edema of feet- present upto ankle

-No malnutrition

-No dehydration

Blood Pressure 140/80mmhg
Pulse rate - 88 bpm
Resp rate - 18 cpm 
GRBS -94
Spo2 - 100% 


-no thrills 

-no cardiac murmurs

S1&S2 sounds are heard

Bilateral air way entry present
No added sounds

Soft non tender
No organomegaly

Wating and thinning of muscles is seen
*Higher mental function
Speech disturbances ,
Emotional disturbances( getting irritated easily)

                                                               CRANIAL NERVES:.       R.            L

I   olfactory nerve
sense of smell.        Normal           Normal

II optic
   Visual Acuity          N.              N
      field of vision vision
       Colous vision

III & IVoculomotor nerve & trochlear
 ExtraOcular Musles        N.          N

VI   abducens nerve
Accomodation.            Normal         Normal
Ptosis.                         —.                 —(absent)
 (Dropping of eye)
Nystagmus.                 —.                  —

V   trigeminal
Sensory.     Normal
       Motor       normal
       Reflex    Corneal.        Normal   Normal
                     Conjunctival. Normal   Normal
                         Jaw jerk.     N
VII     facial nerve
motor normal in      
     Orbicularis oris.       
 Sensory - taste Ant 2/3rd.. of tounge

Reflex      Corneal.               N          N
                Conjunctival.        N           N

Secreto motor:
           Moist eyes & tongue            N    N                           Buccal Mucosa            N    N

  Gag reflex 

XII Hypoglossal Nerve
: Tone.               N.          Left ULhypotonia
Tongue profusion -no deviation

BULK.          Decreased in ul and LL

 TONE           UL.      N           Left hypotonia
                    LL.        N            N

•Wrist                                          0/5

                R.         L
 UL.         4/5.      3/5
LL             4/5.     4/5


A       superficial.
corneal.                        Normal     Normal    Conjunctival.               Normal Normal
Palatal.                         Normal       Normal

Sensory SYSTEM


I-SPINOTHALAMIC       Right        Left

1. Crude touch.              Normal        Normal
2. Pain.                             Normal Normal    
3. Temperature.                 Normal Normal

1.fine Touch.                  Normal     Normal     
2. Position sense.            Normal    Normal

1. Two point discrimination.NormalNormal
2. Hypotonia.                    Left ul + 

Provisional diagnosis
CeebralVascular Accident hyperacute infarcts in temporal lobe

MRI brain


Tab clopidogrl 75 mg OD 

Tab ecospirin 75 mg OD 

Tab atarvostat 20 mg OD 

Tab  telma

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